Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Time For Baseball!

Baseball season has arrived at the Chandler home and we are excited. Mommy, Luke and Daddy love practicing their skills, especially in this beautiful spring weather. Luke enjoys batting and pitching, both of which he is doing well at. To Luke, every hit (foul or fair) is a homerun. When you hit the ball, Luke insists that you MUST drop the bat and run around the invisible bases. Mommy does a great job hitting the ball, but winds up grabbing the camera to take a few shots. For the record, she did hit the ball over the house the other day. Of course, she was hitting against a two year old. Daddy can sometimes get a hit on Luke's special "gyro" ball (unpredictable pitch), too. We're rooting for those Cubbies! GO CUBS!!!


Jonathan and Julie Davis said...

How cute!! Luke is my favorite baseball player!! Go Cubbies!

Aunt Ju Ju