Monday, May 28, 2007

Luke the Builder

Can Luke build it?? Yes, he can!!!
(That is for all the moms out there who get to watch Bob the Builder with their two year old!)
Luke is ready to work! He's got his Home Depot apron with his name on it and his hammer in hand. He even has his Cubs hat on just like Uncle Pokie!! (Is this a little "Pokie" in uniform??)He is definitely ready for his first Home Depot construction project. Watch Luke swing that hammer!! Or should I say, "Watch OUT, Luke is swinging the hammer!! (Notice our very easy-going second child in the background!)
Uncle Pokie works at Home Depot and he recently gave us some wood construction projects for kids. Luke and Daddy had fun making the Herb Garden.
Luke is very proud of his completed project.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Luke! You are just like "Bob, the Builder!" I like your outfit and the project you made.
Love, Grandma