Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Lucy goes to church! (April 13)

Today Mommy & Lucy actually went to the 8:15 service at church!! Believe it or not all 5 of us arrived at church altogether by 7:45 a.m.!!! We were quite impressed with ourselves!! Lucy and I had to leave just before the sermon becuase she woke up hungry. Oh well. Maybe next week we can try to make it through the entire service!! Uncle Terry & Aunt Stephanie took care of Lucy during Sunday School so Mommy could do some things. Lucy slept through the entire second service at church while Daddy & Mommy were in Future Generation. Fortunately, her cousin Abby has let her borrow some of her newborn outfits which are actually long sleeve. All of the clothes that Lucy has received are short sleeve (or no sleeve) and it was way too cold outside to wear any of her new clothes----maybe next week it will be warmer!!


Anonymous said...

How sweet!! That is impressive that you all got to church by 7:45 am. Way to go!
Love, Mom