Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our Little Glow Worm (April 1)

On Tuesday, I took Lucy for her one week weight check. What I thought would be a quick trip to the pediatrician's office turned into much more. Instead of gaining weight, Lucy had lost weight since leaving the hospital--She was down to 7 pounds 3 ounces. The nurse also verified that Lucy had a blocked tear duct as well as possible thrush in her mouth (so we have a perscription for that!) Also, as we had suspected, Lucy did have jaundice--enough that the nurse sent us down to the lab to have her bilirubin checked--we later found out that it was 18!! I think they want it to be 12. So, once the girls got home from our rather LONG morning at the doctor/lab--Daddy went out to get Lucy's Wallaby blanket for her jaundice. We are able to rent the machine by the day. Below, Lucy is wearing her "glow worm" blanket.

She doesn't mind wearing the blanket. She needs to stay in it as much as possible to help her bilirubin levels come down. Thankfully, we are able to still hold her, feed her, change her diaper, etc. while she wears the blanket.

We went back to the doctor's office on Wednesday for another weight check and to have blood drawn for the bilirubin test. She didn't gain any weight but she didn't loose any more so that is good. Thankfully, Lucy's bilirubin count was down to 15.3 from being 18 on Tuesday. We will be going back to the doctor on Friday for a weight check and a bilirubin test. We will keep you posted.


Scott and Joann said...

Lucy is so ADORABLE!!! She is the cutest glo-worm i've seen!

Unknown said...

Lucy is so cute, even in her glowing blanket. So happy you can use that and not have to put her under a light in the hospital.
Love, Mom

Unknown said...

On a side note...LOVE THE NURSERY THEME!!! That is what we had for Bailey.I may still have some extra pieces if you want them...LOL! We will be praying for your cute little glow worm.


Anonymous said...

What a precious glow worm! Hope you get good news today!!!
Maybe we'll see you soon.
Love, Karen and Anna : )

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jen and Al,

Your family is so cute. I was catching up on Joann's blog and decided to visit all the Green girl sites. You all have so many little ones. They are so precious. I hope you are doing well.
