Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mommy's Little Helper (March 30)

Big Brother Luke truly loves having a baby sister. For several days, Luke would come up to me and say....."Mommy we have a baby girl!!" After 9 months of wondering if we were going to have a boy or a girl, he is excited to finally know. He also makes frequent comments such as "She is so sweet" and "This is so much fun!" Here Luke watches tv while "babysitting little Lucy!"

Luke remains very calm when holding Lucy and she starts to cry or squirm. Luke will pat her and talk sweetly to her and even sing. He loves to sing "Happy Birthday" and "Jesus Loves Me" to Lucy. I offer to take her when she gets upset but Luke says "I'm ok, Mommy." Lucy you are very blessed to have such a sweet big brother!!!

John David loves Lucy, too. In fact, there is definitely more love than jealousy for sure. He doesn't seem to mind when we hold Lucy. Here, John David is doing one of his favorite things---PUZZLES!!!


Scott and Joann said...

What GREAT big brothers Lucy has! I'm very impressed. John David & Luke are really sweet with her. She is very blessed & I have no doubt she will be well protected for the rest of her life! It's a blessing to see all 3 of our children interact (although interaction on Lucy's part is somewhat limited!!)

Unknown said...

How wonderful to see these boys loving their little sister so much. Love the pictures!! Thanks for posting them.
Love, Mom